You may remember sometime last summer I posted a little something about how my perspective on life has somehow changed and I said that I would continue on another thought later. Well almost one year later I intend to fulfil that promise. So strap yourself in and let's get started!
While contemplating my unexplainable happiness (For a refresh-er, check out my blog and either click on "contemplations" or go to August 08 2009) and my desire to want to share it, the thought occurred to me that self-discovery might have something to do with it. It's like listening to a friend's problem. The answer may be obvious to you but no matter how many times you explain it to your friend they won't understand it. Some things you "get" to find out for yourself.
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This means I'm a mainstream Mormon. (NOT polygamist) I have often been told that we're here on earth to get bodies and that life is a test. Although this my be true, it's never been quite satisfactory for me. If God is all knowing, then why does he "test" something that he already knows the answer to? I'd like to take this a step further. I think this life is more about self-discovery.
A missionary might be able to relate to what I'm trying to say. If you just tell someone about the gospel and just say it's try you're not going to get very far. There is a reason why we are asked do have personal prayer and study. An investigator is asked to read the scriptures themselves. I'm sure conversion would not be as effective if the missionaries just read the scriptures to them. Would artifacts be as precious if we didn't have to look and dig for them? Would love be as cherished if it was shoved down our throats?
It's difficult me for me to put my thoughts into words. Sometimes I wounder if I was more eloquent if I'd be able to be more inspirational, but lame man terms are better when it comes to explaining things. Are you picking up when I'm laying down? Is it a lost cause? Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Maybe, just maybe, this is something you'll just have to find out for yourself. What do you think?
God speed!