Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Come Soon To ABC Family

Remember this picture? Well you shouldn't. Why? Because the picture below is the picture I posted up. Not the one that's above. Tricked ya, didn't I!

I'm so excited! I saw this like a week ago and I'm in it twice! Remember when I was a extra for a movie over the summer? If you don't, look it up in the archives. It's like the first post I ever did. In that one night I was in one scene. The prom scene. Anyways, I am in the trailer twice! If I was sitting next to you I would pause it and point me out. But I'm not. So here's a little hint; I'm wearing a white and black dress and if it looks like a prom scene or looks like Thanksgiving Point, I'm probably in that scene. There's only one that I'm barely off screen for. Can I just tell you that I'm really excited!!!! I love this. It's so much fun! I feel like when you got that gold star on your paper in preschool and you couldn't wait to show your mommy and daddy. Hopefully I'll be able to record the show and pause it and scream in a high pitch voice and go "I'm rigth there! I'm right there! I'm right there!" Or sit silently and smile to myself.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is Thriller. I would like to see it this year. For those of you who don't know, Thriller is a creepy/awesome/blow-your-socks-off/funny/scary/talented dance show that is put on at the Odyssey Theater by Center Stage. I use to dance there and it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I really don't like going to my nieces dance recitals because it makes me wish oh so much that I still did dance. Oh well. Needless to day that I have been thinking about Center Stage a lot and that crazy things that went on there. I remember watching the dancers practice for Thriller. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the bathroom (good times) but mostly I remember a girl with dark (and Mom, by dark I mean brown) hair and her mom was my dance teacher. If anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about, please tell me. It's really been bugging me.
I'm still really happy about the trailer though. I uber excited! I guess I've teased you enough. o see it check it out at www.poppypro.com. Watch the trailer. I really don't know much about the movie except for what my guddy Bobby told me. A piont to look for is the guys lisp. I laugh everytime I hear it. (I don't think he has a lisp in real life. In fact I'm sure he doesn't so why he has one in the movie? I don't have a clue.)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Being. Sick. Sucks. Period.

Ya, I'm sick and it sucks because I keep getting hit with one thing right after the other. Doesn't that puppy look cute? Poor puppy. It's not feeling well. Neither am I. We should be sick together. But hopefully I won't be sick for much longer because to day I REALLY wanted to go to school (now you know I'm sick) and I have a really important meeting tomorrow and it's being held in my house. Oh puppy! I could use your furry cuteness about now. Maybe then I'll be able to sleep.
In other news... Because I am sick and have nothing better to do, I finally change my TV to the FOOD network. (Bobby Flay and Emril do so make me feel oh so better) After watching some commercials I feel the need to pass on my wisdom. Are you ready for this?
I LOVE MSG!!!! MSG is sadly misunderstood. It's awesomely magical and DOES NOT give people headaches. In fact, MSG is good for you. Food Detectives did a test a while ago to see if MSG really does give you "Chinese food hangovers". They gave a bunch of people a "free meal". (sad world when everything "free" comes with a price.) Half the room had MSG in their lunch and the other half didn't. Afterwards they asked who thought their food had MSG in it. Out of the people who didn't have MSG in their food, about 45% of them thought they had "symptoms" of MSG. (headaches, throbbing, etc.) Imagine how surprised they were when they found out that it's all in there head. On the other side (the side that did have MSG in their delicious plate of yummieness) only one or two people thought they had MSG in their meal. Of course these people could possibly be put on the other side to see if they really are effected or not.
Poor MSG. So misunderstood. MSG is actually a flavor enhancer. It kinda looks like salt, if I remember correctly. But now you know. And you thought you were just going to here about how sick I am and how much it sucks. (Big time)

Good winds and a follwing sea!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Seriously Guys

No I do not know who the picture is of. But I do know one thing, my parents are going to be mighty curious when the check to my search engine thingy. ;) ha ha Which is why I am taking advantage of there absence this weekend by doing this post. (I also shall be running around in my in my underwear, eat ice cream for dinner, candy for breakfast, singing at the top if my lungs, setting the garbage can on fire, shave the cat, blare music as loud as i can and of course, staying up ALL NIGHT LONG! If I think of anything else, I just might do it.) By then hopefully someone (the only person that reads my blog; Ashley) will have responded or I shall have some advice. Clever? We'll see.

It was only a matter of time before this happened. Why not just go ahead with it. Right?

So here's dealio. I have been around guys my entire life. I have 5 older brothers, a brother-in-law, I grew up in a neighborhood full of guys, and to this day I prefer chilling with dudes.
Here's what I discovered. I have NO BOY SKILLS whatsoever. I can't flirt to save my life. True story. Oh,and the other day, one of my brothers and I were seeing how loud and how well we can burp. Not that that really has anything to do with anything.
The extent of my conversations are "Hey" which is either returned with a "Hey" or a nod. Sometimes, though, I manage a "Hey. Whats up?/How ya doing?" But that's only one the good days. If only Bryn could see me now.
I could expand on the "boy issues" but it's like midnight at that would not be wise. But I think I can share a little more with you. I've picked up a habit of holding my breathe. Sometimes for no reason. Other times it's because I see someone I know or I'm trying to become invisible. Or both. (I try to make life interesting. For me. But only in certain ways. NOT involving guys) But seriously. Sometimes seeing someone can totally make your day. Like that one friend you had in that one class that probably would not have been as much fun without them.
In answer to those questions that I know you're dying to ask: Yes, I feel totally pathetic. No, I have not always had "Guy Issues"it's something very new to me. No, it's not like riding a bike. Yes. I feel uncomfortable when guys are being overly nice to me. No, Eric hasn't called yet. Yes, I'm tatally lost in what to do. Yes, I have asked certain brothers for insight. Yes, they told me to beat any guy that talks to me, get his social security number, and then let "the pros handle it".
And so the saga begins...
Please leave a comment. (Sorry for a wacky post. It's like 12:30-ish.) Happy trails, mate!

(By the way, Ashley, I think it may be time for a new layout(on my blog) sometime soon.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Firemen

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. What's worse is that this event happened on Wednesday. Ya. I know. Shame on me for procrastinating. Bite me.
So On Wednesday I was checked out of school and I went to a funeral of an old friend (Nathan Johnson, about 31), it's kinda weird when someone who you grew up with dies. He's about the age of my much older siblings. So from the funeral I went with my mom to her work. I love my mom's work. She works at a place filled with magic and wonder and fireworks and all that good stuff. Actually she works at the UVU Fire and Rescue Academy over by the Provo airport. But it's close enough.
I grabbed my boat load of homework got my homework done in the library with a visitor every now or then, or I would take a break and let my mom introduce me to her co-workers (Like Gary. I hope my future bosses are like him cause he's the bomb-track-yo! He actually came into the library and chatted with me for a while.). I actually got a lot done and even started studying my Japanese. That is until Amanda came.
Amanda Carter works in the logistics department. She's also freakin' awesome!
My mom went home and I pretty much just ran around with Amanda and chatted with my favorite instructor (Chris Milne of course!) and made new friends with some other instructors. (Like Kelley, Charley and those other AWESOME dudes. ) I got home about 11-ish, but like the Filming night (see archives for details) it was worth it. I drank more soda then I should have but who cares? I don't. The night class was doing rotations outside so me and Amanda would talk to one instructor (not professor) and then we would go talk to another one. That's pretty much it.
Needless to say i had an awesome time. Two of my older brothers are thinking of becoming firemen. And after that night, I say GO FOR IT! Even though I already thought that. Anyhoot,
Happy trails! And have a happy Labor Day!