This picture was left out of the last post, and because I love tigers I decided I would stick it in this post. When I went to the zoo with my family, there was a bridge over by these bad kitties (some of you who have been to Hoogle Zoo will know what I'm talking about.) and there was a tiger pacing back and forth on it and sometimes he would lay down to stare the zoobies passing by.This one is for Ashley and all you other
snuggie lovers. Sorry, but I just wanted everyone to see this and enjoy it before we moved on.

This next picture is for Ashley too. She loves wolves and i can remember a lot of her wolf drawings so now whenever I see a wolf I connect it to Ashley. I
accidentally left it our of my last post.
Okay! So in this post we shall finish up all the fun things I did this summer. The picture below is from my last day of summer. The day before I started college I went to the jumpstart orientation with some friends. This is a result of on of those "add-on" games. Notice the 3D features? (For a good time, click on it)
As normal, we are going out of order. I saw a lot of plays over the summer! On of them was Annie Get your Gun at the
Scera Shell. When I was really young, a close friend of mine gave me a postcard with Annie on it. She said it reminded her of me. Now that I have seen the play I totally understand! ha ha I was blessed with the experience of going with my cute
niece! She loved it!

Isn't she photogenic? I use to have one of these as my laptop background.

I was also given the unique
opportunity to be apart of a national paramedic test!

This, my friends, is not real. It's called a
moulage (Like the
Moulin Rouge mixed into one word). I have never had so much fun during a test! What a blast it was! I got to learn a lot of stuff, meet a lot of new people, and make a lot of
unforgettable memories. One of my co-victims was Rachel (from the previous post) who is modeling how to wear the
moulage. I really hope they invite me back!

And that's what I did over the summer. I have so many more stories to share and adventures to tell! summer was just the beginning of something big and
grand! College has been one of the best experiences of my life and I can't wait to tell you more about it!
Look for another blog post to come soon!