This is Agent Farnsworth giving her report. Sorry I've been out of contact for a while, but can I say? Life is just full of random, crazy, surprising and sometimes secret adventures.
This weekend was General Conference (in case you didn't know). My favorite talk was the one that Elder Uchtdorf gave in the first session. I wonder why... (Seriously, I do.) I hope your weekend was good.
As for my daily happenings, today I was suppose to rondevous my Timpanogos crew with the Lehi and Orem high group. The plan was to go to some random hotel then eat at T.G.I.Fridays. I am dispapointed to report that we did not eat at T.G.I.Fridays (stinkin' Lehi kids) and the hotel trip was not really worth it. But all is not lost.
I was talking to a friend in the hallways of the THS headquaters when we were approched for a secret adventure (That really is how he worded it. He would not tell us what the secret adventure was). How could refuse? He did not tell us where we were going or what we'd be doing, and it did not occur to me that my accomplists did not know eachother. That was quickly remedied. It turns out that on Thursdays, there's a special place in Provo where you can get provisions for a REALLY good price. (like 25 cents) So I guess it has been a sucessful day after all.
By the way, there's this one kid that keeps accusing me of being a spy. The strange thing is that he's not the first to makesuch accusations. Could you honestly see me as a spy? (If only.) This is Agent Farnsworth signing out. Happy trails.
You could be a spy... a very giggly spy... :P And I share your love for President Uchtdorf's talk!