My summer was CRAZY and fun! I
been having so much fun, that I have not had time to post about it! The events may not have happened in the order I put them. Sorry!
I went hiking with friends to Stewart Falls. (It was part of my "birthday") A couple of friends are missing from the pictures. One of which is Rachel Cazier. (Keep her in mind, k?)
I walked through and underneath a WATERFALL... so refreshing! Not to mention I also killed a butterfly, saw "Robert Redford", big foots pants, and something that looks like what use to be a hot tub! FUN! FUN!

Remember how I told you to keep Rachel in mind? Well about a couple weeks after the hike, we went on another ADVENTURE!
I would like to call this: The Salt Lake Adventure!!

Skipping pennies! I made 3 wishes!
HaHa We also stopped by the zoo! (I hadn't been to the zoo since first grade and then 2 times in 1 month! I have pictures from both trips later in this post.)
We just HAD to go to the Hansen Planetarium. I haven't been there since I was in 2nd grade! What a fun place! We saw HUBBLE 3D (narrated by Leonardo DeCaprio) and some other movie which we (yes. ALL of us.) almost fell asleep.
We chillin' on MARS!!! (Yes. Planet Mars is actually located in Salt Lake.)
The moon is not in Salt Lake City but somehow Peter found sometime to take a quick trip and view the sights. (Could you imagine serving a mission on the moon or on a space station?)

We took a quick look at the Children's Museum!
What a fun and adventurous day! And it only cost 24 dollars and a whole Saturday! (Salt Lake Coupons or See Salt Lake. Something like that.) What a strange experience it was to be only 45 minutes away from home and yet not be considered a "local" and be thrown into a whole new learning experience! I'd do it all again in a matter of seconds!
I would like to call this: The Salt Lake Adventure!!

We hopped on board the "trax" and took over Salt Lake! (Rachel: "Hey Aubrey... What are you doing?" Aubrey: "Nothing. Just checking my email. Why? Did you think I'm trying to take a picture of you?")
We ate at The Lion House (My first time!) and since this was still a part of my "birthday" I got a free piece of cake and it was so BIG That I shared it with Peter! Now if only I could find the recipe in one of our three Lion House recipe books.

Of course you can't see Salt Lake City without seeing the Salt Lake Temple! I love this picture!
(When we were about to sit down for the picture... Peter: This isn't an engagement picture.)

We took a quick look at the Children's Museum!

Just a week or two afterwards, we returned to the zoo for my Dad's work party! I love the zoo!
Can you spot the owl?
If I could wear this everyday, I SOOO would! To school, to church, to sleep, to play... I'd totally do it! I love being a... feline. (I asked to be a cougar and I got this lovely creation!)
Look out! Rhino!!!
'Das ist my guut side!'
I was standing next to the fence when this RAM decided to scratch himself against it. Thank goodness for fences!!
LIONS!!!! GRRAAAARRRR! (Okay, so I saw it at the Children's Museum instead of the zoo.)
I know it's hard to see but this is one of "Nature's Nightmares" and I thought it was funny how he was acting all gangster-like so I tried to take a picture.

MONKEYS! Probably the greater part of the zoo population/community. I had a close up of this dude but I accidentally deleted it.
More monkeys! Meet Mark. Mark is a deep mediater. Actually he's depressed. Unless Rachel is around. Mark likes Rachel. Mark is Rachel's "boyfriend." He likes to play peek-a-boo with her.
Mark also likes to do "GQ" poses. At least that's what we call it. Mark is a part time model. Evidently.
This is Mark's cage mate. He likes to play tag. He's meditating too. Unlike Mark, he has 2 brothers.

Bats. I was RIGHT UNDER them! No glass in between. Just me and the bats in the same room. Oh and there was a 15-16 year old FAT skunk. It's no big deal.
Ostrich. This one was right in front/below my mom and she did not see it. It looks so funny! I want to pull a Simba by jumping over the fence and riding on it's back.
TIGERS! If I could choose what to be in my next life, I would choose a tiger. I have been told I look like a tiger MANY MANY times. (Random, right? This little boy told me I look like a tiger once. Way to introduce yourself.)
TIGGER! (haha Tiger... Tigger... same thing.)
Here you get both sides of them! I can't remember what they're called but don't they look cool?
Remember this dude? He starred in his own film in a previous post.

MONKEYS! Probably the greater part of the zoo population/community. I had a close up of this dude but I accidentally deleted it.

Bats. I was RIGHT UNDER them! No glass in between. Just me and the bats in the same room. Oh and there was a 15-16 year old FAT skunk. It's no big deal.

Thank you for reading about some of my crazy doings! As you know this is part 1. That means that there is more to come and come they shall! Sorry it took so long to put them up here but college has been kicking my butt and sucking up my time. I will get the rest of my summer adventures up here soon. Still to come is my first concert and another adventure with Rachel. So how does one finish a post like this? I believe there's only one way!
TO BE CONTINUED... (Ya. I went there.)
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