How I felt that week.
How I felt when I found out.
I can remember those sleepless nights
and those times when I wished I was numb.
Those times when I needed a someone.
That someone was you.
I remember that night,
How you couldn't leave me.
How you did leave me.
I can remember the confusion.
I can remember the abandon.
It's amazing how fast time goes by.
That thing I've been meaning to say becomes meaningless over time.
One day you're here and the next you're gone without any good-byes.
Letters that were meant to be sent were never written.
The unfinished drawing in the corner screams the things that left without a good-bye.
The unfinished drawing never changes as time goes by.
You held the knowledge of my world.
Now my questions go unanswered.
Our treasures will never be found.
The lessons will never be learned.
For you held the knowledge of my world.
But that world is now forlorn.

You are at peace.
I am here.
I am missing your piece.
For with you, I did die.
Because of you I came alive.
And for you, we do survive.
Never again in this time will I see you.
Always and forever, I love you.
Every now and then, I miss you.
By ourselves, we find ourselves.
In ourselves, we see those around us.
In myself, I see you.
In the darkness, I cannot look away from you.
In silence or loudness, I can hear you.
But no matter what, I never touch you.
You haunt me like a melody.
I feel you like a song.
Like the art from you,
All it is, is a reflection of a dream.
As a sun-filled day, I embrace what you told me.
I will always keep your memory with me.
Ecstatically, Life continues to reign.
A parade of joyful experience, never to end.
The teaches worked not in vain.
I am grateful to have known you you.
Be touched by your grace.
I can remember all of your faces.
How you would laugh.
How you would teach.
I can remember everything.
I can remember when you took my hands in yours,
How you told me each miracle and prayers of yours,
How I answered each of these.
I can remember how you have done the same for me.
I will remember to be brave and bold.
How to smile.
How to serve.
I can remember who you were.
I will remember how love over pours.
How you do those things you did.
How I will live like you lead.