I have grown up! But I have grown up young and I recognize that.
Today I opened my own bank account (complete with checking, pluscard/debit card, a pen, and about 18 bucks) and I did it all by myself. I also filled out my employment papers, also by myself. I got an awesome job at UVU that I am super excited for! This week also marks the end of semester. That means FINALS! yay... I have taken 4 finals already (one of which started at the unheavenly hour of 7 in the morning! Good heavens! Making it there was a test in itself. But being the big girl that I am I got up and ready all by myself. I have worked very hard this semester and whether or not it pays off I will know that I did my best. (It doesn't help when your brain is fried from being sick, but that is still okay.)
As much as I am doing on my own, I still recognize the fact I still need people. Not just people in general but specific people. I'm still growing and still learning. I don't know everything and I don't plan on knowing everything any time soon. For this reason I still rely on those such as my family to look after me and give me outstanding advice. Sometimes growing doesn't come from experience. Sometimes it comes from lessons from others. Chew on that for a while.
Happy trails!
You lovely lady. I cannot wait to hear more about your university adventures, and how you like working at a job. :D Keep being awesome forever, please.