Sometimes I wonder, did I really want this? Am I really where I am suppose to be? Did I bite off more than I can chew? Was I really ready for this? Maybe I jumped the gun?

It seems like there is a lack of balance in my life and a lot weight to hold up. The more I try to focus, the less focused I become. I find myself thinking up songs when I should be thinking of research topics.
I sometimes feel overwhelmed with life and it's lack of adventures. A lot of the times things do not go as planned and I feel as though everything is falling into ciaos. And yet...
... Everything is fine. Between the blurs there is something. Burnt out, yes. Certifiably crazy, perhaps. Beat? Defeated? Never. Summer is almost here. It's coming too soon and not soon enough. hopefully it will come before I loose all the hair on my head but after I get everything done.

I find myself staring out windows and at walls more and more often. We all handle stress differently. I wonder if it's possible to change the pattern of how we carry out through the stress. Am I destined to become spacey, or will I someday become overwhelmed like others do. Or will I someday learn to manage my life and keep a cool head in the face of... finals. How do you handle those crazy moments of your life?

As pictured above, I still have much to do. I haven't felt like this for a while. Oh spring... Please kidnap me and leave a ransom for my brain. Thank you.
I think you should feel like this more often. Or just post to your blog more often. ;) Thanks for the brief look into your fascinating mind! P.s. my car hates you.