Remember this picture? Well you shouldn't. Why? Because the picture below is the picture I posted up. Not the one that's above. Tricked ya, didn't I!

I'm so excited! I saw this like a week ago and I'm in it twice! Remember when I was a extra for a movie over the summer? If you don't, look it up in the archives. It's like the first post I ever did. In that one night I was in one scene. The prom scene. Anyways, I am in the trailer twice! If I was sitting next to you I would pause it and point me out. But I'm not. So here's a little hint; I'm wearing a white and black dress and if it looks like a prom scene or looks like Thanksgiving Point, I'm probably in that scene. There's only one that I'm barely off screen for. Can I just tell you that I'm really excited!!!! I love this. It's so much fun! I feel like when you got that gold star on your paper in preschool and you couldn't wait to show your mommy and daddy. Hopefully I'll be able to record the show and pause it and scream in a high pitch voice and go "I'm rigth there! I'm right there! I'm right there!" Or sit silently and smile to myself.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is Thriller. I would like to see it this year. For those of you who don't know, Thriller is a creepy/awesome/blow-your-socks-off/funny/scary/talented dance show that is put on at the Odyssey Theater by Center Stage. I use to dance there and it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I really don't like going to my nieces dance recitals because it makes me wish oh so much that I still did dance. Oh well. Needless to day that I have been thinking about Center Stage a lot and that crazy things that went on there. I remember watching the dancers practice for Thriller. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the bathroom (good times) but mostly I remember a girl with dark (and Mom, by dark I mean brown) hair and her mom was my dance teacher. If anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about, please tell me. It's really been bugging me.
I'm still really happy about the trailer though. I uber excited! I guess I've teased you enough. o see it check it out at Watch the trailer. I really don't know much about the movie except for what my guddy Bobby told me. A piont to look for is the guys lisp. I laugh everytime I hear it. (I don't think he has a lisp in real life. In fact I'm sure he doesn't so why he has one in the movie? I don't have a clue.)
Another thing I'm looking forward to is Thriller. I would like to see it this year. For those of you who don't know, Thriller is a creepy/awesome/blow-your-socks-off/funny/scary/talented dance show that is put on at the Odyssey Theater by Center Stage. I use to dance there and it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I really don't like going to my nieces dance recitals because it makes me wish oh so much that I still did dance. Oh well. Needless to day that I have been thinking about Center Stage a lot and that crazy things that went on there. I remember watching the dancers practice for Thriller. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the bathroom (good times) but mostly I remember a girl with dark (and Mom, by dark I mean brown) hair and her mom was my dance teacher. If anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about, please tell me. It's really been bugging me.
I'm still really happy about the trailer though. I uber excited! I guess I've teased you enough. o see it check it out at Watch the trailer. I really don't know much about the movie except for what my guddy Bobby told me. A piont to look for is the guys lisp. I laugh everytime I hear it. (I don't think he has a lisp in real life. In fact I'm sure he doesn't so why he has one in the movie? I don't have a clue.)