Now where were we... Oh yes! The after math. So it was about a week before I heard anything then my PIC (For those of you who don't remember or are just now tuning in, PIC=Partner in Crime) told me that he and Red were talking about vandalism when PIC said he heard that Red's car was vandalized. Apparently Red has been working very hard to find out who did it (your's truly). My informant told me that at first Red thought he was being asked to Sadie's (Which is what I did NOT want to have happen.) and took off all the post it notes before getting in (Or so he thinks. For some reason I don't think he got the ones under his car or under the back seat...). But he still had no idea who did it.
I decided to give a follow up a few weeks later. I asked him if it's true that his car was vandalized and he said it was more of "good deed vandalism". Of course I had to go farther. He said that it was "good deed vandalism" because there was "positive stuff." (Teddy bear, stickers, etc.) He also said that he found some red hair. RED HAIR!!! Can you believe it?! I thought I was oober careful but I guess karma got the better of me. Of course he had to ask me if I did it. Don't worry. I still had a few tricks up my sleave. Of course I couldn't tell him yes or no, so instead I just asked him why he thinks I would do somehting like that. Cunning, I know. he couldn't think of a reason but still thought that I might have something to do with it. So with my cunningness I asked him if he honestly beleives that I'm capable of something like that. And I quote, "Well ya. I was away from my car for like 5 hours." I still don't know if I should be flattered or not.
Long story short I talked to my PIC and he said that Red still thinks it's me because I'm the only other red head he knows. The other red head, I'm told, is a freak and would never do something like that. Of course I had to find out for myself. I was lucky enough to run into Red between classes and I of course asked him if he has figured out who decorated his car yet to whihc he responded that he did. So I asked who and he said he has no idea. My PIC still iunsists that he knows it was me. (And may I remind you that I am not the only one involved in this!) For now we just have to wait. Someday I'll tell him. Someday.
Good night and sweet dreaming!
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