Huey Lewis of

PT Barnum of course! I'm sure he's no longer alive but I hope people will remember me after I'm dead and gone. And this guy worked his tail off. He deserves a little recongition. Happy Birthday to you circus man!

This my friend is Michael Monarch. He's the lead guitarist of a little band called Steppenwolfe. I think you may have heard of it. He also has really cool glasses. As my grandpa Farnsworth would say, "When you're cool, you're cool 24/7!"

Jimmy Crispo. He's from Aerosmith. Sadly I'm not too familiar with there music so I don't know what song's of theirs is good. But here's a nice picture for you too look at!

Last but not least, Jason Wade (singer, songwriter, guitarist) of Lifehouse. This one blew me away because ironiclly their song You and Me is the first (and so far only) osong I clearned how to oplay entirly and Ican sing to it too when no one else is around and it's 1 o'clock in the morning. I can remember listening to Bryn playing it. It's one of my favorites.
I didn't know you spoke Arabic! :P Just kidding.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to all of those guys! And to you! You WORK that Mraz hat, girl! :D