As you've probably guessed, this little redhead is me. I HATE running. It sure does do a number on my lungs. I probably wouldn't do it at all if it wasn't for my Ipod because I use to get pretty bored after about 5 seconds of running. I guess I should say that I hatED running.
Since summer has begun, I've gone running with a fellow neighbor. Both of us are at the same stages of our lives and both of us have running goals.So then I started to hate running a little less. Sure I could give you the pros and cons of running but I'm sure you know them already.
Then came Tuesday. My brother had the day off of work so I invited him to go running with me and said friend. So we woke up some what early, got our running clothes on (By the way, does anyone know where to find a decent pair of running shorts and perhaps a good exercise/running tee?)I grabbed my Ipod, we met up at a designated place, then we took off! Sorta. We tried to stay at a steady pace.
I think there must be angels or running or something because for the most part, the universe (or whatever you want to call it) was on my side. The first song to pop up on my Ipod was a song by Kat Deluna called Unstoppable. (Youtube it or do whatever you do. Just look it up.) That got me running AND dancing and it got me going. I made it a pretty good distance before my lungs started to give out. Needless to say I was felt pretty good. Last time I ran I made at least 2 stops in the distance I ran. Pretty cool! The Ipod angels struck again with playing a song that I really wanted to hear. Afterwards, I was graced by the music of the Isely Brothers, Bon Jovi, and some pretty good running songs. I believe they even through in some One Republic (My current all time favorite band! They're slowing working their way to obsession.) I wasn't able to make the sprint at the end of our run due to a kind gesture from the morning. (My brother made me breakfast! Wow sweet!!) Or maybe possibly I just need to keep on running.
I enjoyed having the company of my brother and our friend while I continue towards my goals and I hope we can do it again. Maybe running isn't so bad...
Happy running!
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