Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Hollywood Has to Look Forward To

I have never played with an iCam (or whatever it's called) before and here we have it recorded. Fun times with Ashley!
I love the picture above because it's just plain funny. We had a lot of belly laughs.
Ashley has a fish head!
I tend to eat big heads late at night. Sorry if I horrify you.
Looks kinda creepy. I do that is. Ashley NEVER looks creepy.
I'm becoming one with Ashley's fish. This worries her.
But not as much as when I start becoming one with myself again.
I think I look like Bryn in this one. Just a little. Like all good friends, Ash and I sometimes argue.
"Hey there good looking!"
Sometimes Ashley needs a big head to feast upon. I need to stop using that volumizing stuff.
BIG anime eyes! (Or in Ash's case: Big anime EYE)
We art aliens. We art appy aliens.
In this one, we had the picture on 2. But by three we both started laughing.
I am the mummy!!!! Or I'm shocked at Ash. I like the mummy theory better. You decide.
I promise you we were NOT high while taking these. (Sorry for ruining the pic Ash!)
Kinda scary. Won't lie.
"Oh my!" Our ode to black and white pictures. (Movie pictures that is)
A black and white world gets boring fast. So what happens? Ash takes a nap and little miss Ichigo gets even more ADD.
I killed this picture. (no pun intended) I was saying something about a sheriff and Ash couldn't help to laugh. So here you go! Our ode to the wild wild west.
If Bryn could see me now! My how his little Ichigo has grown!

I have cancer!


Wasn't that fun! (The comments ARE working. And they ARE welcome) Sorry I have no announcment. But imagine what the paperazzi has in store... ;)
Happy trails!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just to Put it Out There

I know the last post was pretty silly but here's something a little more... thoughtful.
I've had something on my mind for a couple months now so I'm going to let it get some air and post it here on my blog. Maybe then I will be able to sleep better. (By the way, the comments are working. Just so you know.)
If you don't want to read it I understand. It may get a little deep. Maybe some of you are not ready for something like this. Or maybe you may be thinking, "What would a 16 know?" Whatever your reason, it's okay not to read this. You've been warned.
I have had random bursts of happiness for no reason whatsoever, but it's usually just that. A burst, a moment, a spasm. But recently I have been happy for no reason. Just feel like smiling and making everyone else happy. I see things like I never had before, as if I have woken up with someone else's eyes. I've never seen the mountains like I do now. They are AMAZING!!!! I've lived here in Utah my whole life and I still find the mountains and the canyons breathtaking. I can't just glance up at the sky any more. I have to stop and stare. I see people differently too. I have no idea how to explain it. I don't think it's because I 'm getting older or more mature (goodness knows if that will ever happen). I've always had the gospel in my life so that can't be it. I've pretty much always known who I am (daughter of God, etc.)
I think I've found the secret to happiness. I just don't know what it is. The way I explained it to my older brother Bryn (he's serving a mission in England for our church) is that my mind knows something, it's just not telling me it. (This really is hard to explain which is probably why it's taken so long for me to put this out there.)
I want to share this happiness with everyone! If only I knew what it was. But then I realize something. I think self-discovery has a lot to do with it. I think I may save that for another post. (of course, what would a 16 years old know. I warned you.)

Monday, August 17, 2009

That's Strange

This is the gaint pancake my brother made me. It's bigger in real life. Really. I know I told you I was going to blog sooner but some things came up. I have had a very weird week. Here are some of te reasons why:
  • I woke up one morning to find a peice of duck tape on my belly. I still don't know why.
  • One night I woke up to find the room full of really bright light. I'm guessing a car's really bright headlight just happened to go through my bathroom window and hit the shower wall just right.
  • My phone keepssaying I'm out of service area or whatever when I am infact sitting in my own home.
  • My HOBY reunion was canceled two days before it was suppose to happen. That's more sad then weird.
  • I actually got alot of cleaning done. And I found this treasure!
I know you're jealous. They make my day and totally crack me up!
  • I went to this dance thing in someones basement. It tons of fun but flashing lights and fog can be weird. Same with some songs.
  • I went through this whole summer without getting sunburned until now.
  • There were as many leaders as laurals in my young womens class on sunday. 3 girls. Including me.
  • I have had a strange craving to hike a slot canyon.
  • I saw the Ringer for the first time. I actually laughed. Out loud. I don't even laugh when I think something is really funny.
  • After being told how meteor showers work (while watching one of course) I made the comment:"That's what makes marshmellows toasty." I don't have an excuse for that one.
  • Only one person texted me.
  • I taught the YW lesson last week. I had about 30 min to prepare. What I love to do for my mom.
  • I had a "party of one" on Saturday night. Apparently you can see my window from the top of the street. Hmmm... I hope no one saw my dancing. It would bling them with awesomeness!!!!
  • I did make divintiy but I don't remember it. (I need a co-cheif to help me document these things and help save my sanity. Whats left of it) Those things are so packed with sugar therfore immediatly launching me into a sugar comma... It was something like this video.

So there are a few of the things that made my week weird. Either my life is strange or it was just that week.
Oh, and about the pancake. It was the size of the pan and about a inch thick.(And still cooked all the way through). It took meabout 2 hours to eat. But if I ate it without breaks it probably would have taken me about 1 1/2 hours. It kept me full. Peace out!

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's About Time

I was hoping with last week being the Lindon City celebration and all that I would have something exciting to post about (cowboy, exciting rodeo, something). So I just kept putting it off. Now I have decided it's time for another post. (I guess you can say i've been horsing around)
I have seen alot of horses this week. (I REALLY want to ride one.) During one of the many rodeos I realized that I can probably kinda relate to a horse. I have reached a new record of 4 kids on one back. And I was still able to "horsey" them around. My back has been hurting so bad since then but a few things have also contributed so no worries! The ages of the kids range from about 18 months to 10 (I think). Where did I find these kids? Just next door. They belong to my big brother. And all of you who are thinking that I need to be more careful, you are probably right. But it's all part of being an aunt! So sue me.
Look forward to another post coming soon! I'm going to trying venturing Divinitys. Peace out!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

10 Things That Make ME Happy

!This one is for Ashley because she started it. Here are ten things that make me happy in no particular order. I don't even think they are the top ten things that make me happy but they do make me happy and that's all that matters. Happieness makes the world a better place. Just like cookies!
  • Movie Roles! (Hey. It could happen. And if it did it would make me MUCHO happy!)
  • Having money in my bank account AND a good sized wade in my pocket
  • DB/"German Boy" (If you think you know what I'm talking about, you don't. You either know it or you don't)
  • Marie! (Even if she isn't around anymore, I bet she's sending me happiness from the other side)
  • Belting at the top of my lungs and dancing! With friends makes it better.
  • Getting asked out on a date by a cute boy (Hey, I'm aloud to dream of a Prince ona white steed too!)
  • Traveling. No explanation really needed.
  • Getting a text from a friend.
  • Letters!
  • Learning a new song on the guitar.
  • Making a difference. Maybe I'll expand on that in a different post
So there you go. Some may be silly some you may actually agree with. So what makes you happy? You can post it on your blog or you can put it on a comment. Even you Ashley.
Happy trails!