I have never played with an iCam (or whatever it's called) before and here we have it recorded. Fun times with Ashley! I love the picture above because it's just plain funny. We had a lot of belly laughs.
Ashley has a fish head!

I tend to eat big heads late at night. Sorry if I horrify you.

Looks kinda creepy. I do that is. Ashley NEVER looks creepy.

I'm becoming one with Ashley's fish. This worries her.

But not as much as when I start becoming one with myself again.

I think I look like Bryn in this one. Just a little. Like all good friends, Ash and I sometimes argue.

"Hey there good looking!"

Sometimes Ashley needs a big head to feast upon. I need to stop using that volumizing stuff.

BIG anime eyes! (Or in Ash's case: Big anime EYE)

We art aliens. We art appy aliens.

In this one, we had the picture on 2. But by three we both started laughing.

I am the mummy!!!! Or I'm shocked at Ash. I like the mummy theory better. You decide.

I promise you we were NOT high while taking these. (Sorry for ruining the pic Ash!)

Kinda scary. Won't lie.

"Oh my!" Our ode to black and white pictures. (Movie pictures that is)

A black and white world gets boring fast. So what happens? Ash takes a nap and little miss Ichigo gets even more ADD.

I killed this picture. (no pun intended) I was saying something about a sheriff and Ash couldn't help to laugh. So here you go! Our ode to the wild wild west.

If Bryn could see me now! My how his little Ichigo has grown!


I have cancer!

Wasn't that fun! (The comments ARE working. And they ARE welcome) Sorry I have no announcment. But imagine what the paperazzi has in store... ;)
Happy trails!!!
Oh dear... I didn't know you were planning on posting ALL of them. :) We are fabulous!