(For those of you who get the email, you may need to check out teh blog to watch this.) At this time of year we find the Christmas spirit everywhere. EVERYWHERE! You may be suprised were it can be found. Let this short film stand as exhibit A.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Adventure Continues... Ish

Now where were we... Oh yes! The after math. So it was about a week before I heard anything then my PIC (For those of you who don't remember or are just now tuning in, PIC=Partner in Crime) told me that he and Red were talking about vandalism when PIC said he heard that Red's car was vandalized. Apparently Red has been working very hard to find out who did it (your's truly). My informant told me that at first Red thought he was being asked to Sadie's (Which is what I did NOT want to have happen.) and took off all the post it notes before getting in (Or so he thinks. For some reason I don't think he got the ones under his car or under the back seat...). But he still had no idea who did it.
I decided to give a follow up a few weeks later. I asked him if it's true that his car was vandalized and he said it was more of "good deed vandalism". Of course I had to go farther. He said that it was "good deed vandalism" because there was "positive stuff." (Teddy bear, stickers, etc.) He also said that he found some red hair. RED HAIR!!! Can you believe it?! I thought I was oober careful but I guess karma got the better of me. Of course he had to ask me if I did it. Don't worry. I still had a few tricks up my sleave. Of course I couldn't tell him yes or no, so instead I just asked him why he thinks I would do somehting like that. Cunning, I know. he couldn't think of a reason but still thought that I might have something to do with it. So with my cunningness I asked him if he honestly beleives that I'm capable of something like that. And I quote, "Well ya. I was away from my car for like 5 hours." I still don't know if I should be flattered or not.
Long story short I talked to my PIC and he said that Red still thinks it's me because I'm the only other red head he knows. The other red head, I'm told, is a freak and would never do something like that. Of course I had to find out for myself. I was lucky enough to run into Red between classes and I of course asked him if he has figured out who decorated his car yet to whihc he responded that he did. So I asked who and he said he has no idea. My PIC still iunsists that he knows it was me. (And may I remind you that I am not the only one involved in this!) For now we just have to wait. Someday I'll tell him. Someday.
Good night and sweet dreaming!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Life of Adventure

Ya I know it's been over a month since I've posted anything and the sad part is that it isn't because I haven't had anything to blog about. In fact I have tons to blog about but I've decided not to. You see I have pictures and everything but I don't know where the chord is and I just don't feel like playing catch-up. So today's post shall be story time. Excited? You should be.
So this story happened a while ago. In fact it was the last week of term. (I think this may end up being a short story but who knows.) I had a friend who was feeling a little down so I was like "Hey! I'm doing this thing. Want to help out?" And of course he wanted to.
Let's step back. You know how you recognize you're car by the way it looks then when you get in you check the stuff inside to make sure it's yours and that you are, in fact, in your own car? You probably do this out of sub-conscience but trust me, you do it. Well I had this idea of putting a ton of random stuff in someones car. Back to the story.
So now I had a PIC (Partner in Crime) and just as I thought it brought up his spirits. First we chose our victim. Victim shall be known as Red. (It's the color of his car.) Red is a junior at my high school and a mutual friend of my PIC and me. He's really good friends with my PIC, he drives a jeep (Perfect!) and there just might be a chance that I possibly like this guy. So we had our target.
Another kid was going to help out but he didn't really do anything except tell me how mean I am. He thought I was trying to crush Red's hopes and dreams and make him think he was getting asked to Sadie's (which isn't until December) when he really wasn't.
So the day that we planned to decorate Red's jeep, a sub let me and PIC out of class a few minutes early. We told him that we were going to "help out a friend." My backpack was freakin' huge and full of a bunch of random stuff. PIC told me he knew where Red was parked. (apparently he has a special spot on A days.) So we go to said spot and there's no red jeep. SO we looked around for a bit and we couldn't find it! We had to stop because the bell rang and it was time to go home. So we postponed it to the next day.
I was feeling pretty good this day. It was Thursday and things were not going bad which is always a good thing. I went to all my classes and spent lunch at school. (I normally go home during lunch on B days because I don't have a 4th period) So the story goes, I was the only one who could decorate the car because everyone else had class. The funny part is that on my way out to Red's car I ran in to Red and talked to him for a while. Little did he know what was coming to him. mwahahahahahaha :)
It didn't take me too long to find his jeep. It wasn't exactly were I was told it would be but it was close. I had to wait a little bit for all the students to clear the parking lot. Then I striked!! Here is a list of things I put into/did to his car:
Let's step back. You know how you recognize you're car by the way it looks then when you get in you check the stuff inside to make sure it's yours and that you are, in fact, in your own car? You probably do this out of sub-conscience but trust me, you do it. Well I had this idea of putting a ton of random stuff in someones car. Back to the story.
So now I had a PIC (Partner in Crime) and just as I thought it brought up his spirits. First we chose our victim. Victim shall be known as Red. (It's the color of his car.) Red is a junior at my high school and a mutual friend of my PIC and me. He's really good friends with my PIC, he drives a jeep (Perfect!) and there just might be a chance that I possibly like this guy. So we had our target.
Another kid was going to help out but he didn't really do anything except tell me how mean I am. He thought I was trying to crush Red's hopes and dreams and make him think he was getting asked to Sadie's (which isn't until December) when he really wasn't.
So the day that we planned to decorate Red's jeep, a sub let me and PIC out of class a few minutes early. We told him that we were going to "help out a friend." My backpack was freakin' huge and full of a bunch of random stuff. PIC told me he knew where Red was parked. (apparently he has a special spot on A days.) So we go to said spot and there's no red jeep. SO we looked around for a bit and we couldn't find it! We had to stop because the bell rang and it was time to go home. So we postponed it to the next day.
I was feeling pretty good this day. It was Thursday and things were not going bad which is always a good thing. I went to all my classes and spent lunch at school. (I normally go home during lunch on B days because I don't have a 4th period) So the story goes, I was the only one who could decorate the car because everyone else had class. The funny part is that on my way out to Red's car I ran in to Red and talked to him for a while. Little did he know what was coming to him. mwahahahahahaha :)
It didn't take me too long to find his jeep. It wasn't exactly were I was told it would be but it was close. I had to wait a little bit for all the students to clear the parking lot. Then I striked!! Here is a list of things I put into/did to his car:
- post-it notes with stickers on them (smiley face and rainbow colored hearts)
- a bunch of balloons (and I mean a BUNCH)
- a coloring book
- crayons
- a diaper bag with diapers and some little toys
- a teddy bear
- one of those mask things with the hairy black mustache and eyebrows (I actually put it on the teddy bear)
- skeleton thing that I hung on his rear view mirror
- I wrote on his mirrors and windows with a dry-erase marker
Fun stuff, right? His thoughts on it later. But for now I want to tell you some little tid-bits of what happened in the process. I think I might save the after math for another post. So here are some things that came up on this adventure:
- Almost getting caught by the school cop
- almost getting caught by the dreaded assistant principle
- hiding next to/under car from said assistant principle
- sticking sticky notes under car while hiding
- climbing into car (I left one of my legs hanging out of his window. It was one of those moment I'm glad no one was there to see)
- Finding that when heart balloons are blown up they look like a head with devil horns
- finishing just as distant ed class got out
- not setting off car alarm (Thank goodness!!!)
- running into friend in parking lot when done and getting a ride home with friend after telling friend what on earth I was doing in the parking lot (Best to let them know the truth then to have them assume other things) Don't worry. I stuck a couple sticky notes on friends dashboard so he didn't feel left out
Monday, November 9, 2009
...and yet nothing
The title? Pretty much the outcome of this post. You'll see what I mean. I can't believe it's been a freakin month since I last posted. I am so terribly sorry. A lot has happened which is why we have pictures. :) But sadly, the camera is missing it's cord and I have a new phone so there's no old pictures on it. Oh what wonders life has in store. I would like to know what you want to hear about from me. So please drop a line a two. Here's a little video for you. For those of you who watched the Christmas video, you may get a bit of a flash back from this. (Thanks Katie! And yes I have seen it before and I did get the joke.) Also notice on the christmas video that when she's giving the opening shpeel that it "cuts". I think it's because she kept laughing.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's Days Like These...

So I know you're wondering what this picture has to do with my day. Absolutely nothing! Isn't that fantastic? I just felt like putting it up there.
I've had a FANTASTIC day. And it isn't even over yet! Shall we look at what has happened so far? I think I want to. If you don't then you don't have to read it. Just saying...
So I was woken up by a dog because he was scared of the beautiful thunderstorm going on at about 1 oclock and I listened to it for a couple of hours. If you missed it then I'm sorry. I wasn't even all that tired when it was time to wake up and get ready for school (which I just got back from.) I normally don't like my A days but it was still pretty gosh darn good.
In A1 I actually got something done. The weird thing is that I started it today too. I have TV/Vid production that class period and I edited my term project which I didn;t think I'd even do let alone finish it. For the term project we're suppose to film a school event and edit it. I filmed the Timp vs Timp (Timpanogos vs Timpview) JV football game last week. So I got the editing done today and I have discovered that I find football very funny. I love watching them just fall over, but it's only funny until in the next shot you see someone limping around. But it's all okay after watching the next group timber over. Dispite getting that project done I was still able to do the teleprompter (I'm the master telepromter person) for school news,w hich was also fun becuase I knew a couple of the anchors and we just had a ball.
Next in A2 (algebra 2) I had a test which means no homework. Cool, right? And the test wasn't all that bad either. I had a bag of cookies in my backpack (I'll explain it to you later. Maybe.) so I would try my hardest to advoid opening my backpack. Those cookies smelled sooooo good. (The inside of my backpack still smells like cookies.) So whenever I opened my bag about 5 people would nearly pass out. It really smeled that good.
So the story with the cookies. I gave a big bag of them to a guy between A2 and A3. The end.
I have Physics in A3 and I had yet another test. I did fairly good. The best part of the class was in the beginning when I saw a couple guys walk in with a cookie or 2 and a big smile on their face. (Want a cookie yet?)
My friend Danny Quilter (I sawlike 5 different Dannys today. Not that that really had anything to do with anything but now you know) came during lunch becuase he has a distance ed class that he takes at my school. Lunch was fun to say the lest.
Japanese is up last in A4. We just graded a paper I did like a week ago and watched a movie. Not bad for a days work, eh? And a weird thing is that I smiled all through today. Well pretty much all day.It's days like these that make it all worth it. Seriously.So here's to great days!
Hope you have one.
I've had a FANTASTIC day. And it isn't even over yet! Shall we look at what has happened so far? I think I want to. If you don't then you don't have to read it. Just saying...
So I was woken up by a dog because he was scared of the beautiful thunderstorm going on at about 1 oclock and I listened to it for a couple of hours. If you missed it then I'm sorry. I wasn't even all that tired when it was time to wake up and get ready for school (which I just got back from.) I normally don't like my A days but it was still pretty gosh darn good.
In A1 I actually got something done. The weird thing is that I started it today too. I have TV/Vid production that class period and I edited my term project which I didn;t think I'd even do let alone finish it. For the term project we're suppose to film a school event and edit it. I filmed the Timp vs Timp (Timpanogos vs Timpview) JV football game last week. So I got the editing done today and I have discovered that I find football very funny. I love watching them just fall over, but it's only funny until in the next shot you see someone limping around. But it's all okay after watching the next group timber over. Dispite getting that project done I was still able to do the teleprompter (I'm the master telepromter person) for school news,w hich was also fun becuase I knew a couple of the anchors and we just had a ball.
Next in A2 (algebra 2) I had a test which means no homework. Cool, right? And the test wasn't all that bad either. I had a bag of cookies in my backpack (I'll explain it to you later. Maybe.) so I would try my hardest to advoid opening my backpack. Those cookies smelled sooooo good. (The inside of my backpack still smells like cookies.) So whenever I opened my bag about 5 people would nearly pass out. It really smeled that good.
So the story with the cookies. I gave a big bag of them to a guy between A2 and A3. The end.
I have Physics in A3 and I had yet another test. I did fairly good. The best part of the class was in the beginning when I saw a couple guys walk in with a cookie or 2 and a big smile on their face. (Want a cookie yet?)
My friend Danny Quilter (I sawlike 5 different Dannys today. Not that that really had anything to do with anything but now you know) came during lunch becuase he has a distance ed class that he takes at my school. Lunch was fun to say the lest.
Japanese is up last in A4. We just graded a paper I did like a week ago and watched a movie. Not bad for a days work, eh? And a weird thing is that I smiled all through today. Well pretty much all day.It's days like these that make it all worth it. Seriously.So here's to great days!
Hope you have one.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Secret Adventure

This is Agent Farnsworth giving her report. Sorry I've been out of contact for a while, but can I say? Life is just full of random, crazy, surprising and sometimes secret adventures.
This weekend was General Conference (in case you didn't know). My favorite talk was the one that Elder Uchtdorf gave in the first session. I wonder why... (Seriously, I do.) I hope your weekend was good.
As for my daily happenings, today I was suppose to rondevous my Timpanogos crew with the Lehi and Orem high group. The plan was to go to some random hotel then eat at T.G.I.Fridays. I am dispapointed to report that we did not eat at T.G.I.Fridays (stinkin' Lehi kids) and the hotel trip was not really worth it. But all is not lost.
I was talking to a friend in the hallways of the THS headquaters when we were approched for a secret adventure (That really is how he worded it. He would not tell us what the secret adventure was). How could refuse? He did not tell us where we were going or what we'd be doing, and it did not occur to me that my accomplists did not know eachother. That was quickly remedied. It turns out that on Thursdays, there's a special place in Provo where you can get provisions for a REALLY good price. (like 25 cents) So I guess it has been a sucessful day after all.
By the way, there's this one kid that keeps accusing me of being a spy. The strange thing is that he's not the first to makesuch accusations. Could you honestly see me as a spy? (If only.) This is Agent Farnsworth signing out. Happy trails.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Come Soon To ABC Family
Remember this picture? Well you shouldn't. Why? Because the picture below is the picture I posted up. Not the one that's above. Tricked ya, didn't I!

I'm so excited! I saw this like a week ago and I'm in it twice! Remember when I was a extra for a movie over the summer? If you don't, look it up in the archives. It's like the first post I ever did. In that one night I was in one scene. The prom scene. Anyways, I am in the trailer twice! If I was sitting next to you I would pause it and point me out. But I'm not. So here's a little hint; I'm wearing a white and black dress and if it looks like a prom scene or looks like Thanksgiving Point, I'm probably in that scene. There's only one that I'm barely off screen for. Can I just tell you that I'm really excited!!!! I love this. It's so much fun! I feel like when you got that gold star on your paper in preschool and you couldn't wait to show your mommy and daddy. Hopefully I'll be able to record the show and pause it and scream in a high pitch voice and go "I'm rigth there! I'm right there! I'm right there!" Or sit silently and smile to myself.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is Thriller. I would like to see it this year. For those of you who don't know, Thriller is a creepy/awesome/blow-your-socks-off/funny/scary/talented dance show that is put on at the Odyssey Theater by Center Stage. I use to dance there and it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I really don't like going to my nieces dance recitals because it makes me wish oh so much that I still did dance. Oh well. Needless to day that I have been thinking about Center Stage a lot and that crazy things that went on there. I remember watching the dancers practice for Thriller. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the bathroom (good times) but mostly I remember a girl with dark (and Mom, by dark I mean brown) hair and her mom was my dance teacher. If anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about, please tell me. It's really been bugging me.
I'm still really happy about the trailer though. I uber excited! I guess I've teased you enough. o see it check it out at www.poppypro.com. Watch the trailer. I really don't know much about the movie except for what my guddy Bobby told me. A piont to look for is the guys lisp. I laugh everytime I hear it. (I don't think he has a lisp in real life. In fact I'm sure he doesn't so why he has one in the movie? I don't have a clue.)
Another thing I'm looking forward to is Thriller. I would like to see it this year. For those of you who don't know, Thriller is a creepy/awesome/blow-your-socks-off/funny/scary/talented dance show that is put on at the Odyssey Theater by Center Stage. I use to dance there and it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I really don't like going to my nieces dance recitals because it makes me wish oh so much that I still did dance. Oh well. Needless to day that I have been thinking about Center Stage a lot and that crazy things that went on there. I remember watching the dancers practice for Thriller. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the bathroom (good times) but mostly I remember a girl with dark (and Mom, by dark I mean brown) hair and her mom was my dance teacher. If anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about, please tell me. It's really been bugging me.
I'm still really happy about the trailer though. I uber excited! I guess I've teased you enough. o see it check it out at www.poppypro.com. Watch the trailer. I really don't know much about the movie except for what my guddy Bobby told me. A piont to look for is the guys lisp. I laugh everytime I hear it. (I don't think he has a lisp in real life. In fact I'm sure he doesn't so why he has one in the movie? I don't have a clue.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Being. Sick. Sucks. Period.

Ya, I'm sick and it sucks because I keep getting hit with one thing right after the other. Doesn't that puppy look cute? Poor puppy. It's not feeling well. Neither am I. We should be sick together. But hopefully I won't be sick for much longer because to day I REALLY wanted to go to school (now you know I'm sick) and I have a really important meeting tomorrow and it's being held in my house. Oh puppy! I could use your furry cuteness about now. Maybe then I'll be able to sleep.
In other news... Because I am sick and have nothing better to do, I finally change my TV to the FOOD network. (Bobby Flay and Emril do so make me feel oh so better) After watching some commercials I feel the need to pass on my wisdom. Are you ready for this?
I LOVE MSG!!!! MSG is sadly misunderstood. It's awesomely magical and DOES NOT give people headaches. In fact, MSG is good for you. Food Detectives did a test a while ago to see if MSG really does give you "Chinese food hangovers". They gave a bunch of people a "free meal". (sad world when everything "free" comes with a price.) Half the room had MSG in their lunch and the other half didn't. Afterwards they asked who thought their food had MSG in it. Out of the people who didn't have MSG in their food, about 45% of them thought they had "symptoms" of MSG. (headaches, throbbing, etc.) Imagine how surprised they were when they found out that it's all in there head. On the other side (the side that did have MSG in their delicious plate of yummieness) only one or two people thought they had MSG in their meal. Of course these people could possibly be put on the other side to see if they really are effected or not.
Poor MSG. So misunderstood. MSG is actually a flavor enhancer. It kinda looks like salt, if I remember correctly. But now you know. And you thought you were just going to here about how sick I am and how much it sucks. (Big time)
Good winds and a follwing sea!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Seriously Guys

No I do not know who the picture is of. But I do know one thing, my parents are going to be mighty curious when the check to my search engine thingy. ;) ha ha Which is why I am taking advantage of there absence this weekend by doing this post. (I also shall be running around in my in my underwear, eat ice cream for dinner, candy for breakfast, singing at the top if my lungs, setting the garbage can on fire, shave the cat, blare music as loud as i can and of course, staying up ALL NIGHT LONG! If I think of anything else, I just might do it.) By then hopefully someone (the only person that reads my blog; Ashley) will have responded or I shall have some advice. Clever? We'll see.
It was only a matter of time before this happened. Why not just go ahead with it. Right?
So here's dealio. I have been around guys my entire life. I have 5 older brothers, a brother-in-law, I grew up in a neighborhood full of guys, and to this day I prefer chilling with dudes.
Here's what I discovered. I have NO BOY SKILLS whatsoever. I can't flirt to save my life. True story. Oh,and the other day, one of my brothers and I were seeing how loud and how well we can burp. Not that that really has anything to do with anything.
The extent of my conversations are "Hey" which is either returned with a "Hey" or a nod. Sometimes, though, I manage a "Hey. Whats up?/How ya doing?" But that's only one the good days. If only Bryn could see me now.
I could expand on the "boy issues" but it's like midnight at that would not be wise. But I think I can share a little more with you. I've picked up a habit of holding my breathe. Sometimes for no reason. Other times it's because I see someone I know or I'm trying to become invisible. Or both. (I try to make life interesting. For me. But only in certain ways. NOT involving guys) But seriously. Sometimes seeing someone can totally make your day. Like that one friend you had in that one class that probably would not have been as much fun without them.
In answer to those questions that I know you're dying to ask: Yes, I feel totally pathetic. No, I have not always had "Guy Issues"it's something very new to me. No, it's not like riding a bike. Yes. I feel uncomfortable when guys are being overly nice to me. No, Eric hasn't called yet. Yes, I'm tatally lost in what to do. Yes, I have asked certain brothers for insight. Yes, they told me to beat any guy that talks to me, get his social security number, and then let "the pros handle it".
And so the saga begins...
Please leave a comment. (Sorry for a wacky post. It's like 12:30-ish.) Happy trails, mate!
(By the way, Ashley, I think it may be time for a new layout(on my blog) sometime soon.)
The extent of my conversations are "Hey" which is either returned with a "Hey" or a nod. Sometimes, though, I manage a "Hey. Whats up?/How ya doing?" But that's only one the good days. If only Bryn could see me now.
I could expand on the "boy issues" but it's like midnight at that would not be wise. But I think I can share a little more with you. I've picked up a habit of holding my breathe. Sometimes for no reason. Other times it's because I see someone I know or I'm trying to become invisible. Or both. (I try to make life interesting. For me. But only in certain ways. NOT involving guys) But seriously. Sometimes seeing someone can totally make your day. Like that one friend you had in that one class that probably would not have been as much fun without them.
In answer to those questions that I know you're dying to ask: Yes, I feel totally pathetic. No, I have not always had "Guy Issues"it's something very new to me. No, it's not like riding a bike. Yes. I feel uncomfortable when guys are being overly nice to me. No, Eric hasn't called yet. Yes, I'm tatally lost in what to do. Yes, I have asked certain brothers for insight. Yes, they told me to beat any guy that talks to me, get his social security number, and then let "the pros handle it".
And so the saga begins...
Please leave a comment. (Sorry for a wacky post. It's like 12:30-ish.) Happy trails, mate!
(By the way, Ashley, I think it may be time for a new layout(on my blog) sometime soon.)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Firemen

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. What's worse is that this event happened on Wednesday. Ya. I know. Shame on me for procrastinating. Bite me.
So On Wednesday I was checked out of school and I went to a funeral of an old friend (Nathan Johnson, about 31), it's kinda weird when someone who you grew up with dies. He's about the age of my much older siblings. So from the funeral I went with my mom to her work. I love my mom's work. She works at a place filled with magic and wonder and fireworks and all that good stuff. Actually she works at the UVU Fire and Rescue Academy over by the Provo airport. But it's close enough.
I grabbed my boat load of homework got my homework done in the library with a visitor every now or then, or I would take a break and let my mom introduce me to her co-workers (Like Gary. I hope my future bosses are like him cause he's the bomb-track-yo! He actually came into the library and chatted with me for a while.). I actually got a lot done and even started studying my Japanese. That is until Amanda came.
Amanda Carter works in the logistics department. She's also freakin' awesome!
My mom went home and I pretty much just ran around with Amanda and chatted with my favorite instructor (Chris Milne of course!) and made new friends with some other instructors. (Like Kelley, Charley and those other AWESOME dudes. ) I got home about 11-ish, but like the Filming night (see archives for details) it was worth it. I drank more soda then I should have but who cares? I don't. The night class was doing rotations outside so me and Amanda would talk to one instructor (not professor) and then we would go talk to another one. That's pretty much it.
Needless to say i had an awesome time. Two of my older brothers are thinking of becoming firemen. And after that night, I say GO FOR IT! Even though I already thought that. Anyhoot,
Happy trails! And have a happy Labor Day!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What Hollywood Has to Look Forward To

I love the picture above because it's just plain funny. We had a lot of belly laughs.

Monday, August 24, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Just to Put it Out There
I know the last post was pretty silly but here's something a little more... thoughtful.
I've had something on my mind for a couple months now so I'm going to let it get some air and post it here on my blog. Maybe then I will be able to sleep better. (By the way, the comments are working. Just so you know.)
If you don't want to read it I understand. It may get a little deep. Maybe some of you are not ready for something like this. Or maybe you may be thinking, "What would a 16 know?" Whatever your reason, it's okay not to read this. You've been warned.
I have had random bursts of happiness for no reason whatsoever, but it's usually just that. A burst, a moment, a spasm. But recently I have been happy for no reason. Just feel like smiling and making everyone else happy. I see things like I never had before, as if I have woken up with someone else's eyes. I've never seen the mountains like I do now. They are AMAZING!!!! I've lived here in Utah my whole life and I still find the mountains and the canyons breathtaking. I can't just glance up at the sky any more. I have to stop and stare. I see people differently too. I have no idea how to explain it. I don't think it's because I 'm getting older or more mature (goodness knows if that will ever happen). I've always had the gospel in my life so that can't be it. I've pretty much always known who I am (daughter of God, etc.)
I think I've found the secret to happiness. I just don't know what it is. The way I explained it to my older brother Bryn (he's serving a mission in England for our church) is that my mind knows something, it's just not telling me it. (This really is hard to explain which is probably why it's taken so long for me to put this out there.)
I want to share this happiness with everyone! If only I knew what it was. But then I realize something. I think self-discovery has a lot to do with it. I think I may save that for another post. (of course, what would a 16 years old know. I warned you.)
I've had something on my mind for a couple months now so I'm going to let it get some air and post it here on my blog. Maybe then I will be able to sleep better. (By the way, the comments are working. Just so you know.)
If you don't want to read it I understand. It may get a little deep. Maybe some of you are not ready for something like this. Or maybe you may be thinking, "What would a 16 know?" Whatever your reason, it's okay not to read this. You've been warned.
I have had random bursts of happiness for no reason whatsoever, but it's usually just that. A burst, a moment, a spasm. But recently I have been happy for no reason. Just feel like smiling and making everyone else happy. I see things like I never had before, as if I have woken up with someone else's eyes. I've never seen the mountains like I do now. They are AMAZING!!!! I've lived here in Utah my whole life and I still find the mountains and the canyons breathtaking. I can't just glance up at the sky any more. I have to stop and stare. I see people differently too. I have no idea how to explain it. I don't think it's because I 'm getting older or more mature (goodness knows if that will ever happen). I've always had the gospel in my life so that can't be it. I've pretty much always known who I am (daughter of God, etc.)
I think I've found the secret to happiness. I just don't know what it is. The way I explained it to my older brother Bryn (he's serving a mission in England for our church) is that my mind knows something, it's just not telling me it. (This really is hard to explain which is probably why it's taken so long for me to put this out there.)
I want to share this happiness with everyone! If only I knew what it was. But then I realize something. I think self-discovery has a lot to do with it. I think I may save that for another post. (of course, what would a 16 years old know. I warned you.)
Monday, August 17, 2009
That's Strange

- I woke up one morning to find a peice of duck tape on my belly. I still don't know why.
- One night I woke up to find the room full of really bright light. I'm guessing a car's really bright headlight just happened to go through my bathroom window and hit the shower wall just right.
- My phone keepssaying I'm out of service area or whatever when I am infact sitting in my own home.
- My HOBY reunion was canceled two days before it was suppose to happen. That's more sad then weird.
- I actually got alot of cleaning done. And I found this treasure!
- I went to this dance thing in someones basement. It tons of fun but flashing lights and fog can be weird. Same with some songs.
- I went through this whole summer without getting sunburned until now.
- There were as many leaders as laurals in my young womens class on sunday. 3 girls. Including me.
- I have had a strange craving to hike a slot canyon.
- I saw the Ringer for the first time. I actually laughed. Out loud. I don't even laugh when I think something is really funny.
- After being told how meteor showers work (while watching one of course) I made the comment:"That's what makes marshmellows toasty." I don't have an excuse for that one.
- Only one person texted me.
- I taught the YW lesson last week. I had about 30 min to prepare. What I love to do for my mom.
- I had a "party of one" on Saturday night. Apparently you can see my window from the top of the street. Hmmm... I hope no one saw my dancing. It would bling them with awesomeness!!!!
- I did make divintiy but I don't remember it. (I need a co-cheif to help me document these things and help save my sanity. Whats left of it) Those things are so packed with sugar therfore immediatly launching me into a sugar comma... It was something like this video.

Oh, and about the pancake. It was the size of the pan and about a inch thick.(And still cooked all the way through). It took meabout 2 hours to eat. But if I ate it without breaks it probably would have taken me about 1 1/2 hours. It kept me full. Peace out!
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's About Time
I was hoping with last week being the Lindon City celebration and all that I would have something exciting to post about (cowboy, exciting rodeo, something). So I just kept putting it off. Now I have decided it's time for another post. (I guess you can say i've been horsing around)
I have seen alot of horses this week. (I REALLY want to ride one.) During one of the many rodeos I realized that I can probably kinda relate to a horse. I have reached a new record of 4 kids on one back. And I was still able to "horsey" them around. My back has been hurting so bad since then but a few things have also contributed so no worries! The ages of the kids range from about 18 months to 10 (I think). Where did I find these kids? Just next door. They belong to my big brother. And all of you who are thinking that I need to be more careful, you are probably right. But it's all part of being an aunt! So sue me.
Look forward to another post coming soon! I'm going to trying venturing Divinitys. Peace out!
I have seen alot of horses this week. (I REALLY want to ride one.) During one of the many rodeos I realized that I can probably kinda relate to a horse. I have reached a new record of 4 kids on one back. And I was still able to "horsey" them around. My back has been hurting so bad since then but a few things have also contributed so no worries! The ages of the kids range from about 18 months to 10 (I think). Where did I find these kids? Just next door. They belong to my big brother. And all of you who are thinking that I need to be more careful, you are probably right. But it's all part of being an aunt! So sue me.
Look forward to another post coming soon! I'm going to trying venturing Divinitys. Peace out!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
10 Things That Make ME Happy
!This one is for Ashley because she started it. Here are ten things that make me happy in no particular order. I don't even think they are the top ten things that make me happy but they do make me happy and that's all that matters. Happieness makes the world a better place. Just like cookies!
Happy trails!
- Movie Roles! (Hey. It could happen. And if it did it would make me MUCHO happy!)
- Having money in my bank account AND a good sized wade in my pocket
- DB/"German Boy" (If you think you know what I'm talking about, you don't. You either know it or you don't)
- Marie! (Even if she isn't around anymore, I bet she's sending me happiness from the other side)
- Belting at the top of my lungs and dancing! With friends makes it better.
- Getting asked out on a date by a cute boy (Hey, I'm aloud to dream of a Prince ona white steed too!)
- Traveling. No explanation really needed.
- Getting a text from a friend.
- Letters!
- Learning a new song on the guitar.
- Making a difference. Maybe I'll expand on that in a different post
Happy trails!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Blue Lips, Pie, and Beer

The Candy Factory wasn't the first let down. We went to see the Heber Creeper when Will first came out. That has been gone since before I was born. I still got a post card from the gift shop they have there. I'm going to mail it to my penpal once I can find the stamps to do so.

Now I know you all want to know about my Wyoming trip. All I really did was raft. I fell out 3 times. The first time was on Friday. I fell off on Lunch Counter and that was pretty traumatic. I still have moments at night wen I think I'm still in the water. I don't know what made it so different from the rest or why I was not able to keep my head up or get a good breathe of air. I did not however panic. That would have been bad. I knew I was going to get out so I still can't figure out what was so bad it. Could it be I fell off at the very beginning? Could it be that I went under a few times? I don't know. It could have been a number of things. I was crazy enough to do it again. So if you fall out, keep your head above water, put your feet infront of you, put your oar in the raft (I was too far away the first time and also that was the only thing someone in the raft could reach. I was holding on to the oar for my dear life), and most importantly do not panic. I'm glad I had the experience, but I don't want it to happen again. I now know I do NOT want to die by drowning. The last two were on the same trip on Saturday. The weren't bad at all. I fell of on Big Kahuna and on Lunch Counter (again). I was able to just float on through both of them. this other girl fell off three times too. She fell of Luch Counter (at the end after me) and some little rapids toward on the same run. She also fell off of Big Kahuna with me on the second day.
I did all four runs. First day was freezing cold but I loved it (I had a wet suit). The first run I was in a raft with a hole on the bottom so we did alot of bailing. We had two rafts on that run. The second was an adventure. It rained, I proved to everyone that I wasn't crazy and that I did infact see a badger, and that's also when I fell off. There was only one raft on that run. We also played with alot of the commercial rafts and the guides on them. You never know what friends you might make.
Second day: It was HOT! But the water was still ice cold. The first run I was on the white raft (the good one)and we had a bunch of little kids. It was pretty uneventful. Second run we went down to one raft and 3 kiyaks. I was in the raft. This is when I fell off the 2nd and 3rd time. We also made friends with people in a white raft. There was a bouy aout my age that always waved at me so I would always wave to him. It was a fun run.
So that's it! Oh? What's that? You want to know about the pie and beer? Okay. If you've made it this far you deserve it. On our way up to Thayne (where we stayed at a cabin) we stopped in Evantson to eat. Some one in line was complaining about how busy it was going to be because of all the Utahns coming up. *cough cough* I love the fact that I am a Utahn. After one of my brothers indicated that we are Utahns the guy kinda looked at us in disgust. A manger from behind the counter joined in the conversation. "Oh ya1 Isn't it a holiday for you you?" Ya. "Isn't it your Pioneer day?" Then some guy who was *ahem* along in years and obviously hard of hearing in the back of the line totally made my day. "Pie and beer day?" Here's to you old man! Hope you had a good Pie and Beer day!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Legend of the Mraz Hat

I thought that last post was going to be comment provoking but I guess it wasn't. Last time I write a post at 11:30 at night. Do to the lack of comments on what to blog I guess I'll do a little something about my Mraz hat. And by little I mean little. As you can see in the above, I love wearing my Mraz hat, and I don't look to bad in it if I do say so myself.

So you may be wondering, "Who is this chap pointing at me?" Well it's Jason Mraz. Even though he's not wearing his Mraz hat I know it's him. I have that picture on for a few reasons, 1)It looks pretty cool. 2) It's my hat's namesake 3) He is currently on tour.
I was going to see his show about a year ago about a few things came up and it kinda fell through. But in September 26 he's going to be in Idaho at the Idaho Amphitheater in Boise. I would so go other then a few obvious reasons like the fact I'm only 16, don't have a divers license, etc. But who knows. Something might come up and I may get the chance to go. Someday Mraz, someday.
A few random things that came up while typing this up: Wouldn't it be cool to me Mr. Mraz? I mean really meet him. Also, do you know how weird it is to blog while someone is staring and pointing at you. I know it's just a picture but you get the idea.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I'm Following My Own Blog!
Yep! It's true. I started following my blog when I first got it. Ashley was showing me how things work and how to do stuff, so when she telling me about "following." She ment to "follow" herself but for some reason or another she accidently put me in instead. And I'm still following my blog! (You can even look yourself!) Just thought it was a fun fact. (I seriously don't think anyone noticed.)
So I figured I due for another post. But what should I talk about? I'm pretty sure no one is all that interested in my dateing life (Except Bryn and he won't be reading this.) My neice was baptised but we don't want to go there. (alot of work was put into it so why go there?) Who wants to hear about a wart being frozen off? Warts are just weird. I was going to post a video clip but it's a bit trippy. So I'll let you guys decide. What should I talk about? Please leave a comment.
I'm trying to decide on a new subtext thing for my blog. Some one told me "starry-eyed girl" makes me sound like i'm a teenage girl in love or something like that. So I'm open to suggestions about that too.
Monday, July 6, 2009
जुलाई ५थ - व्हो वास बोर्न ओं थिस ग्लोरिउस डे?

Huey Lewis of

PT Barnum of course! I'm sure he's no longer alive but I hope people will remember me after I'm dead and gone. And this guy worked his tail off. He deserves a little recongition. Happy Birthday to you circus man!

This my friend is Michael Monarch. He's the lead guitarist of a little band called Steppenwolfe. I think you may have heard of it. He also has really cool glasses. As my grandpa Farnsworth would say, "When you're cool, you're cool 24/7!"

Jimmy Crispo. He's from Aerosmith. Sadly I'm not too familiar with there music so I don't know what song's of theirs is good. But here's a nice picture for you too look at!

Last but not least, Jason Wade (singer, songwriter, guitarist) of Lifehouse. This one blew me away because ironiclly their song You and Me is the first (and so far only) osong I clearned how to oplay entirly and Ican sing to it too when no one else is around and it's 1 o'clock in the morning. I can remember listening to Bryn playing it. It's one of my favorites.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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